Monday, September 29, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Hello ladies,

My name is Samantha and I am a CPA who lives in Orlando, Florida. Yes, just 5 minutes away from Mickey. I do taxes for a living and probably will be overwhelmingly stressed during tax season.
I got married on August 10, 2008 and really enjoyed crafting/quilting for the wedding. My guestbook was a quilt and it was so much fun to work on. It was my first hand quilted quilt. I have been quilting for 10 years and have finished probably about 20-25 quilts. I usually make them as gifts and never see them again. I also used to machine quilt them because it was faster but have come to love the hand quilting as it is very relaxing (after you get over those finger calluses). I can't wait to see what we all come up with. This is going to be really cool because I will actually get to keep this one.
I am so excited for the November start and look forward to meeting everyone else thru the blog.



Anonymous said...

Hi Samantha! Wow, 10 years! I am thrilled with all your experience and I can't wait to see what your squares end up looking like!

NestQuilt said...

10 Years is fantastic. I am so excited to see what you come up with.